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Wednesday, October 04, 2006



Hi everybody!
I guess some of you have visited the blog and thought you can't do it... Relax and don't panic!
It is very common to have problems in understanding everything and to make some mistakes at the begining. All students feel the same but, as time goes by, problems disappear.

Let's play the WHO is WHO game. Describe a classmate physically and with adjectives of personality. Who is the 1st one to know WHO is WHO?
Be brave and try!

This person is very active and cheerful. He has got a lot of energy and he's always happy. He's never quiet in class. I think he's tidy but I don't know. He's friendly and very impatient.
He has got short dark hair and brown eyes. He wears glasses.

This comment doesnt have anything to do with DOnt panic game I just read your comment in free western Sahara blog I just want to say thank you so much for your love for the Saharawi people it give us hope knowing that theres someone that has not forget us and our cuase...
ALso I want to say good job with this English blog English is hard language to learn but you are making it so easy and fun for your student to leanr....


Agaila Abba Hemeida
Hi Raquel, we are in tutoria's class and we are practising with blogs with our tutor. We have tought with you and we have decided to write a few lines. We can see you have gone on wiht your blog, so we have a way to write and practise our English. We send kisses to you and to all our ex-teachers. We're going to see you someday. Bye and kisses. HAve a nice weekend.
Hello! Raquel! How are you?(:p lo típic!:p) I'm good. I am impatinet!
This night Festival in te Pub Xenooonn!! In the pub are listening Techno, House, Pop,..etc! It's fantastic!:P:P:P ajjaja
"One moment is another chance for change!M&M"

My favourite song. This is a lyrics:
Silent tears, running from my eyes.. to many desprient lie.. ha BROKEN MY HEART!!!:p oooh...! It's beautiful!
I have diner!!!
Good bye!!!
Mm..One moment.I use the dictionary!!:S:S
These persons that go to sleep..:Sweet dreams!! Good night!!
I wish you happy weekend, Raquel!!:D

-: Txell :-
Hi dears,
What a big surprise to hear from you here in the blog!!! You can see it isn't as active as last year. It's a pity, but I'm confident students won't be shy and start writing some comments. As you can see Txell has already started. :D
You must tell your tutor you're experts in blogs! :P
We miss you at school, so yes pay us a visit whenever you can.
I'm getting ready to go for dinner with my friends. So I wish you a wonderful weekend.
We'll keep in touch.
Take care. With lots of love,
Hi Txell,
I'm so happy to see your comment here. Your english is excellent!!! Congratulations! By the way, you and your classmates did very well in the test. Good students!
I hope you had a good time at Xenon. I had a drink with some friends this afternoon and tonight we're going out for dinner in Mollerussa. We're going to have good fun!
Have a nice weekend as well.
See you on Monday.
Raquel!! We're in tutoria's class again, so we can write to you. We're having lots of exams, so we are tired of studying... Well, we hope you are well (as we are ;)) lots of kisses. bye
Hi Vicky & Anna,
How are you sweethearts? I'm glad you remember YOUR blog from time to time. As you can see, not many students participate in it this year. The fact is that we started a new blog for "4th A tutoria" and another one with the 3rd year students. So maybe it's too much to ask them to take part in this one as well.
I'm happy you're doing well in your exams. You knew it wasn't going to be easy to adapt to a new school and to reach the Batxillerat level. But I'm 100% sure you'll be successful. I put my hand on it. ;-)
Give my regards to the rest of your former classmates.
Take care and write back soon.
With love,
Hello Raquel! I'm writting here to say you my flog. I have written in English for you. I know my English isn't perfect but I do lu k puk. I whish you put a comen in my flog eh! Right, I'm going to study because tomorroh i'm going to have a maths exam... I'm going to fail the exam. It's a little problem of people justeta! Bay Richel! kisses!
Oh sorry Raquel, i'm jordina another time too. I forgot to say you my flog! Oh my god, I'm silly...

Kisses! I'm a little pesada!
Thanks for your comments Jordina. I hope you send more soon.
I'm going to read your comments in English in your flog in a minute.
Study hard for your exams.
Take care,
Hi Raquel! How are you? I'm krys! Thanks for visiting my fotolog ^.^
We had a lot of exams last week. This week we're having 2 exams. I'm tired but it's "el q hi ha" xD I've passed all the exams and I'm happy. Well, I don't know the marks of the lasts, but i'm optimist xD
We will come someday at school. Mmm.. well, lots of kisses. I'll write here soon.
with loooovee

Hi Krys,
Of course I loved your fotolog. Anna & Pika gave me their addresses & I just looked for the rest of you. As usual, you students know much more about new technologies than us, poor teachers who were born in the Ice Age. :P
I'm over the moon to hear that you're passing all your tests. CONGRATULATIONS! We all know Batxillerat isn't easy_ especially the 1st year.
And pleas e do come and visit us anytime you can.
Tomorrow I'm leaving for the Sahara Desert once more. I'm visiting Luara and Lala, and planning a project to go at Easter with some students. You're welcome if you want to join us.
Give my regards to your soul mates.
Take care.
Lots of love,
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