Thursday, April 20, 2006
Last week, during the Easter break, I visited the Saharaui refugees camps in Tindouf for the 5th time. After more than 30 years of exile from their own land, the Saharaui spirit keeps on surviving in that inhospid land.
They suffered terrible rain floods at the begining of March wich destroyed most of their tents and mud houses. However, the're rebuilding them again at day break and at sunset. This is because the temperatures may rise over 40 degrees Celsius in the afternoon. And even over 50 in summer.
They survive thanks to international aid wich is unfortunately reduced every year; as well as on their own precarious works. Eventhough most of the young people have a University degree, they have no future in this Algerian piece of desert called "The Hamada", something similar to Hell in their language.
There in the camps, I visited two girls who shared our home with us several summers ago. Luara and Lala are two sweet desert roses of dark eyes and skin but with the biggest hearts we ever met. They've given us more than we've ever expected. Their strength, loyalty, friendship, generosity, sense of humour and, above all, their loving smiles.
We may believe that we're lucky of living where we live and owning a lot but these children and their family have tought us a real lesson.
My life changed the day they crossed our doorstep; but even more the they they left our home so empty.
It is Lala's 12th birthday today and this is my present to her straight from the bottom of my heart.
With all my love,
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Thanks Raquel for these lovely words. There’s no doubt they come from the bottom of your heart. Knowing these two roses of the desert has been a privilege for you and for all of us. They, among so many other children, could one day be aware that another way of life is possible away from their desert. All those infants that summer after summer can make their dream come true: they can live for a holiday period away from their haimas and desert land and make a taste of our “developed world”. Enhancing people’s minds and knowledge is something potentially good.
When talking to people about the possibility of sharing a bit of their time and life in summer with a saharian boy or girl the objection that comes is that the experience is not going to be successful for the child because s/he may have to come back to the cruel reality of his/her own way of life after the summer holiday. In my opinion this is only partially true and it is not at all an obstacle for the benefits of the experience. The affective links established are lasting for life in most cases. What the children get most, apart from a check on their health and correct nutrition for a couple of months, is the evidence that another way of life is possible away from their desert. Perhaps some of them may have the possibility of getting to study, get university qualifications and be ready to help their people in a more effective way in the future.
When talking to people about the possibility of sharing a bit of their time and life in summer with a saharian boy or girl the objection that comes is that the experience is not going to be successful for the child because s/he may have to come back to the cruel reality of his/her own way of life after the summer holiday. In my opinion this is only partially true and it is not at all an obstacle for the benefits of the experience. The affective links established are lasting for life in most cases. What the children get most, apart from a check on their health and correct nutrition for a couple of months, is the evidence that another way of life is possible away from their desert. Perhaps some of them may have the possibility of getting to study, get university qualifications and be ready to help their people in a more effective way in the future.
I'm glad you liked it and, above all, I'm happy because you find the blog interesting.
It may be too personal but you know I like sharing my experiences with you, as you do share yours with me. Even if it's sometimes difficult for you to do it in English, at least you try and do it fairly well.
Of course I can bring some more pictures from the trip and we can comment them in class, no problem. But don't you dare to laugh when you see me dressed in the traditional Saharaui costume, uh. ;-) Just joking!
Well, future psycologist, take care and see you in class.
I'm glad you liked it and, above all, I'm happy because you find the blog interesting.
It may be too personal but you know I like sharing my experiences with you, as you do share yours with me. Even if it's sometimes difficult for you to do it in English, at least you try and do it fairly well.
Of course I can bring some more pictures from the trip and we can comment them in class, no problem. But don't you dare to laugh when you see me dressed in the traditional Saharaui costume, uh. ;-) Just joking!
Well, future psycologist, take care and see you in class.
Hi Marta,
I guess it's you because you mention Edu but your nick is a bit misterious! Does it have anything to do with Edu? I must meet him one day because I feel I've known him for ages! He's very famous in your class! :D
I'm sorry to hear you had a quarrel with him and I hope everything is solved by now. I cross my fingers and knock ond wood.
I see you're all very interested in knowing who Josep is. I'll leave you with the intrigue until tomorrow. If you ask me in class, I may give you some clues about him... I'm a bit naughty, you know. ;-)
Well, I think it's time for bed now.
Sleep well.
I guess it's you because you mention Edu but your nick is a bit misterious! Does it have anything to do with Edu? I must meet him one day because I feel I've known him for ages! He's very famous in your class! :D
I'm sorry to hear you had a quarrel with him and I hope everything is solved by now. I cross my fingers and knock ond wood.
I see you're all very interested in knowing who Josep is. I'll leave you with the intrigue until tomorrow. If you ask me in class, I may give you some clues about him... I'm a bit naughty, you know. ;-)
Well, I think it's time for bed now.
Sleep well.
Hola a tothom!
ja em perdonareu però el poc anglès que sabia l'haig oblidat. la raquel pot traduir aquest comentari i posar-lo amb anglès.
Ara mateix enllaçaré el meu blog amb aquest.
M'agrada molt que vosaltres que sou tan joves conegueu la realitat de d'altres nois i noies que no són tan afortunats i que sapigueu que hi ha persones com la Raquel i la seva família que comparteixen la seva llar, el seu cor i la seva estimació amb nens de la sorra.
No sé si la Raquel, amb l'accent a la ra, ella ja sap perquè ho dic, us ha ensenyat el video on hi ha una cançó en anglès, es titula snow in the Sahara, un impossible que si jo vull i si tu que em llegeixes ho vols, si tots ho volem serà possible. La neu només és una metàfora.
Us poso l'enllaç
També l'enllaç del meu blog
Us animo a tots i a totes a visitar-lo i sobre tot a que em deixeu els vostres comentaris.
És bonic tenir un blog més que res pels comentaris que et deixen els amics.
Us envio a tots un petó de sorra i vent. Un d'espècial per a la vostra teacher que també ho va ser de les meves filles.
ja em perdonareu però el poc anglès que sabia l'haig oblidat. la raquel pot traduir aquest comentari i posar-lo amb anglès.
Ara mateix enllaçaré el meu blog amb aquest.
M'agrada molt que vosaltres que sou tan joves conegueu la realitat de d'altres nois i noies que no són tan afortunats i que sapigueu que hi ha persones com la Raquel i la seva família que comparteixen la seva llar, el seu cor i la seva estimació amb nens de la sorra.
No sé si la Raquel, amb l'accent a la ra, ella ja sap perquè ho dic, us ha ensenyat el video on hi ha una cançó en anglès, es titula snow in the Sahara, un impossible que si jo vull i si tu que em llegeixes ho vols, si tots ho volem serà possible. La neu només és una metàfora.
Us poso l'enllaç
També l'enllaç del meu blog
Us animo a tots i a totes a visitar-lo i sobre tot a que em deixeu els vostres comentaris.
És bonic tenir un blog més que res pels comentaris que et deixen els amics.
Us envio a tots un petó de sorra i vent. Un d'espècial per a la vostra teacher que també ho va ser de les meves filles.
Hi Raki!!
Sorry for I'm so annoying, but, now I waiting Edu, and I I do not have anything to make.
You know what? Today, Anna Garci, Cristina, Laia Sole and I, went to Castellfullit by moto and Anna and I have had a bath ourselves in a lake! We passed it brilliant! We are the best, raki, o nO? xD
Well, now we will go to (cataquesi). Have a nice weekend Raki! A lot of kisses!
Sorry for I'm so annoying, but, now I waiting Edu, and I I do not have anything to make.
You know what? Today, Anna Garci, Cristina, Laia Sole and I, went to Castellfullit by moto and Anna and I have had a bath ourselves in a lake! We passed it brilliant! We are the best, raki, o nO? xD
Well, now we will go to (cataquesi). Have a nice weekend Raki! A lot of kisses!
Hi Marta,
Yes, you're the genuine ones!!!
Wasn't the water cold??? :S It must have been freezing in the lake! But you're brave yet a bit unconscious... ;-)
Have you seen my new entrance about April Fool's day? Are you sure you don't remember any anecdote from Paris that could be confessed here? I'm sure you have plenty of them, don't you?
I maight have to wait for Anna H. to tell me about them.
Have a nice weekend you too.
Enjoy and give my regards to Edu.
Yes, you're the genuine ones!!!
Wasn't the water cold??? :S It must have been freezing in the lake! But you're brave yet a bit unconscious... ;-)
Have you seen my new entrance about April Fool's day? Are you sure you don't remember any anecdote from Paris that could be confessed here? I'm sure you have plenty of them, don't you?
I maight have to wait for Anna H. to tell me about them.
Have a nice weekend you too.
Enjoy and give my regards to Edu.
Hi Raki!!
Now, I'm in Edu's house, in Vimbodí and he is having a shower, and I'm in his computer. Tomorrow, all my group of friends, will go to "Les Cadolles". In this place there are some lacks, and we will have a bath and we (pendrem el sol), later we will have dinner. We will go to "Les Cadolles" by motocycle. This place is in Ulldemolins. I will lend Anna and Cris my motorbike. Well Rixel, (jo et deixo)you will tell that you will made this weekend.
By, by!
Now, I'm in Edu's house, in Vimbodí and he is having a shower, and I'm in his computer. Tomorrow, all my group of friends, will go to "Les Cadolles". In this place there are some lacks, and we will have a bath and we (pendrem el sol), later we will have dinner. We will go to "Les Cadolles" by motocycle. This place is in Ulldemolins. I will lend Anna and Cris my motorbike. Well Rixel, (jo et deixo)you will tell that you will made this weekend.
By, by!
Anna, my dear, don’t you think you’re a bit grown up to swim naked in a lake?!?!!! ;P Just joking. But you’re too brave, considering someone could have seen you. But, as I told Crys, I bet you had a wonderful time.
You know, you and your friends sometimes remind me of my own best friends. We’ve been together since we were in kindergarten, and we are all very different, we still keep in touch weekly or twice a week even if it’s to have some coffee of a drink. We’re all very close and this is my biggest treasure. So keep this friendship. It’s one of the most beautiful things in life!
Finally, I’m going to tell Gil about your platform. You can bet on it that he’s going to invite you for lunch some day if he knows you are with his cause. But I must confess that I sometimes exaggerate a little bit just for fun. So I’m not as naughty as I pretend to be. ;-)
Well, Anna, I must leave you now because my dearest friends are waiting for me. It’s a tradition to have a meal together every 1st May. So we’re cooking a “cassola de tros” today. Ummmmmmmmm, my mouth is watering!!!
See you tomorrow.
You know, you and your friends sometimes remind me of my own best friends. We’ve been together since we were in kindergarten, and we are all very different, we still keep in touch weekly or twice a week even if it’s to have some coffee of a drink. We’re all very close and this is my biggest treasure. So keep this friendship. It’s one of the most beautiful things in life!
Finally, I’m going to tell Gil about your platform. You can bet on it that he’s going to invite you for lunch some day if he knows you are with his cause. But I must confess that I sometimes exaggerate a little bit just for fun. So I’m not as naughty as I pretend to be. ;-)
Well, Anna, I must leave you now because my dearest friends are waiting for me. It’s a tradition to have a meal together every 1st May. So we’re cooking a “cassola de tros” today. Ummmmmmmmm, my mouth is watering!!!
See you tomorrow.
Hey Marta,
I can see you’re stuck to any computer that crosses your way and this can be dangerous.;D Maybe Edu will start feeling jealous… the poor lad!
Did you know I have a good friend in Ulldemolins. We sometimes meet to chat and to have lunch together. So behave yourselves because I’ve got spies everywhere! ;-)
Now, seriously speaking, enjoy yourselves very much but don’t you forget the final effort to pass ESO. The end is very near and it’s worth working a little bit harder these last weeks. Then you’ll have all the summer to relax and ride your motorbikes. Have you heard what your teacher said?!? ;-)
Of course I’m going to publish some pictures of Luara and Lala in the blog. I’m glad you’re interested in all this topic. Have you already visited Antonia’s blog? It’s really interesting. Have a look at it and you will tell me what you think about it.
Take care,
I can see you’re stuck to any computer that crosses your way and this can be dangerous.;D Maybe Edu will start feeling jealous… the poor lad!
Did you know I have a good friend in Ulldemolins. We sometimes meet to chat and to have lunch together. So behave yourselves because I’ve got spies everywhere! ;-)
Now, seriously speaking, enjoy yourselves very much but don’t you forget the final effort to pass ESO. The end is very near and it’s worth working a little bit harder these last weeks. Then you’ll have all the summer to relax and ride your motorbikes. Have you heard what your teacher said?!? ;-)
Of course I’m going to publish some pictures of Luara and Lala in the blog. I’m glad you’re interested in all this topic. Have you already visited Antonia’s blog? It’s really interesting. Have a look at it and you will tell me what you think about it.
Take care,
You see, there's another picture from my last trip to the desert.
You wanted to meet Luara (in the middle) and Lala (on the right).
I'm going to look for other pictures where you can see them more clearly.
By the way, the lady behind the girls is "Mrs Camel"! ;-)
You wanted to meet Luara (in the middle) and Lala (on the right).
I'm going to look for other pictures where you can see them more clearly.
By the way, the lady behind the girls is "Mrs Camel"! ;-)
Hey Anna,
I'm glad you were studying for tomorrow's test. Besides, I'm sure you're going to ask Jill all your doubts. ;-)
Don't worry, Gil is very happy and proud of your platform. If you go on like that, he may invite you some day. Keep on trying.
By the way, don't be such a liar and tell me the truth about your bank holiday!!!
So now, keep on stugying and log off the blog!!!
Sleep well.
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I'm glad you were studying for tomorrow's test. Besides, I'm sure you're going to ask Jill all your doubts. ;-)
Don't worry, Gil is very happy and proud of your platform. If you go on like that, he may invite you some day. Keep on trying.
By the way, don't be such a liar and tell me the truth about your bank holiday!!!
So now, keep on stugying and log off the blog!!!
Sleep well.
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